Pool Construction Options for Summer 2024

Premium Pools

You might be wondering about purchasing a pool in your area to install yourself, or perhaps you’re simply looking for the most experienced installer with availability in their schedule. We’re here to guide you on this journey and, by the end, we hope you’ll have a better idea of what your fiberglass pool construction options are and which route might be best for you.

Chances are, the search that brought you here is one we’ve been seeing more and more these days. Let’s take a guess: did it look something like “fiberglass pools” or “fiberglass pool installers“? Now more than ever, pool installers are booking for the future, which is fantastic because it means more and more families are getting the pool of their dreams that they’ve always wanted.

Opciones de construcción de Piscinas para el verano


A fiberglass pool isn’t for everyone. Certainly, there are situations where a concrete pool build will be exactly what someone needs, and we want to make sure you can find out which will suit your situation. That said, let’s continue, friends!

Build or Buy?

For some of you, this may be overdue. For others, searching for homes for sale with a pool may still be on the table. Here are a few things to consider when buying a home that already has a pool in the backyard:

  • You won’t have a choice in the pool’s design.

Since it’s already in place, you won’t be able to weigh in on the pool’s size, shape, or depth like you would if you were installing it.

  • You might not know much about the pool’s history.

If the previous homeowner neglected pool maintenance, depending on how long the pool has been in place, there could be some lingering effects you’ll have to deal with right off the bat.

  • On the flip side, the pool could be in perfect condition, and you won’t have to pay any extra for the pool besides what you’re paying for the home.

You might end up with a perfectly maintained pool and only have to worry about maintenance costs. If you’re looking to buy a new home, it would be nice not to have to include the complete pool build in your budget as well.

  • You may need to check the pool warranty and have it transferred.

This tends to be the case with in-ground fiberglass pools. Pool fiberglass manufacturers often offer a warranty on the pool shell, and it may need to be transferred from the previous owner to you if it ever needs to be used. We recommend discussing this with the previous owner in case you need any information from them.

If you’re not in the housing market and just want to get that shiny new pool, there are advantages and disadvantages as well. You’ll have full control over the type, design, and location of the pool, and you’ll have a fresh start when it comes to pool maintenance. However, it’s still a sizable chunk of change you’ll have to shell out, and you’ll have to wait during the construction before you can swim. Knowing your options ahead of time can help you avoid the dreaded pool buyer’s remorse that often haunts homeowners because you’ll know exactly what you’re getting into.

What Are Your Fiberglass Pool Options?

If fiberglass pools are the route you’re leaning towards, you have 3 pool types to choose from: concrete, vinyl liner, and fiberglass. We have many resources that dive into the differences between the three, so we’ll just give you a quick overview here.


  • Built from scratch; highly customizable
    Can spend 4 to 5 hours per week on maintenance on average
    Can take 3 to 6 months to install on average

Vinyl Liner:

  • Built from scratch; highly customizable
    Can spend 2 to 3 hours per week on maintenance on average
    Can take 4 to 8 weeks to install


  • Comes as a pre-designed piece (no custom work)
    Can dedicate around 1 hour per week to maintenance on average
    Can take 2 to 6 weeks to install

The installation times listed above are based on average installers of that pool type. But what if you want to install one of these pools yourself?

DIY Installation!

Pool builders are busier than ever. It’s true: many are booking for next season and beyond! And you have that family gathering at the end of summer, so you can’t wait. If you have your heart set on a fiberglass pool, there are options available. However, we’d like to extend a word of caution: installing any type of fiberglass pool could be biting off more than you can chew. There are experts for a reason: there are many aspects to a complete and proper pool installation, and it’s easy to make mistakes along the way without the experience or knowledge.

That said, let’s go over the options you have for your own installation:


These pools are extremely challenging to do yourself due to the extensive list of equipment and labor required. Certain steps in the process, such as spraying the concrete, tend to be very challenging if you don’t have prior experience. Plus, there typically aren’t kits that come with what you need, so it’s a lot of custom work from the get-go. If you’re set on building this type of pool yourself, you may want to have an expert in your back pocket to guide you.

Vinyl Liner:

If you’re looking to install your own pool, this pool type is likely your best bet. There are vinyl pool kits for in-ground pools that you can get online and they often come with nearly everything you need. Like with any in-ground pool, having the help of an expert would probably make the process easier, but these types of pools are generally the ones we see being DIYed most often.


It may be tempting with fiberglass since the pool comes as one solid piece. But, fiberglass pools require a great deal of skill and knowledge to install correctly, so it can be terribly easy to make mistakes. One needs to know the right kind of backfill, how to keep the pool level, how to do plumbing, and more to install one of these pools.

But… can you install a fiberglass pool yourself? Technically, yes. However, as we mentioned, there are many steps and nuances to installing a fiberglass pool, so it’s not recommended. From our experience, going through a trusted pool builder near you is always the best bet.

Is Now the Time to Buy?

We say yes, but it may not be the best time to install the pool depending on when you’re reading this. Installing a pool requires dry, warm enough weather, so you may struggle to install it if it’s midsummer and raining a lot or if it’s winter and you have snow in the backyard. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t start planning ahead or even start that conversation with your local pool builder.

As we said, pool builders are extremely busy these days, so it’s not a bad idea to start chatting with them early to get into their books as soon as possible. Keep in mind that demand, along with equipment delays, could lead to longer wait times and delays in your pool project, particularly with fiberglass pools.

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